Ensign’s Log, Entry 7: January Month Map Update!

Ensign’s Log, Entry 7: January Month Map Update!

January Month Map 1st update

Although it doesn’t look like I’ve made much progress, I have actually made it 14 out of an estimated 18 chapters into finishing the first draft, I’ve revised the first 8 chapters, and posted the first 8 chapters. Perhaps I should have filled in the dashes to reflect this, but it would make the path look a bit ragged, I think. So expect a much greener map in the next update!

Progress has been difficult, due to some slight writer’s block with the ending of Upgrade, as well as the fact that it’s taking longer to finish than I had expected. It might actually be closer to a novel length and novella length when I’m done. At any rate, though, I’m pleased with my progress so far this month and I think having a plan in mind has helped that a lot. Not to mention a pretty graphic to play with when I’ve completed something major.

How are your January goals proceeding?