Heather Hayden

Author Interview: Alasdair Shaw

This is the first interview for the Blog World Tour: Science Fiction Edition, previously announced here. Like the Blog World Tour: Fantasy Edition, there’s a prize available for the first commenter to guess my secret posting schedule: a digitally signed ebook copy of Augment or a voucher for a free …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 30: August Month Map–Week 3

There’s a little more color on the map now! And I definitely think that I’m going to be making the dashes much smaller next month. I want to feel like I’m making progress when I am! So what did I do this past week? Demon’s Magic: Edited 41/112 pages. Not …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 29: August Month Map–Week 2

This update is again a little late. I almost didn’t post, because as you’ll see in a moment, it looks like I’ve done pretty much nothing this past week. Yep, no movement in the lines. I should have made the dashes smaller–I’ll keep that in mind for next month’s map! …

Magic Monday: Castle Waiting by Linda Medley

This month’s fantasy book review is a little late. Time has a habit of slipping by… But enough of that. Time to focus on the main event, that is to say, the book review! Today’s novel is a graphic novel, Castle Waiting, written and illustrated by the talented Linda Medley. …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 28: August Month Map–Week 1

Yes this is a little later than I meant it to be. However, its colorfulness will hopefully make up for that! The results from Week 1 of August: Demon’s Magic: Still revising. Demon’s Soul: Need to finish Demon’s Magic first. Of Beauty Within: Slow but steady progress–probably about a third …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 27: August Month Map

It’s been a few months since my last month map, for a variety of reasons. However, this month I’m bringing it back, with a new and shiny month map! It doesn’t look very colorful yet, but future updates will show my progress on a weekly basis. Tomorrow I’ll post an …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 26: Camp NaNoWriMo Results!

If you’ve been wondering why this blog has been kind of quiet for the past month, the answer is relatively simple. July is host to Camp NaNoWriMo, an offshoot of November’s well-known and well-loved National Novel Writing Month. Although it’s been going on for a few years now, I haven’t …

Saturday Shorts: The Pirate and the Barrel

Arrrrr, mateys! It’s time for an amusing tale about a drunk pirate and a magic barrel. I hope you enjoy it! The Pirate and the Barrel “Where did I go wrong?” the pirate moaned in misery, looking at the barrel sitting in front of him. To his drunk, slightly fuzzy …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 25: More news on the Blog World Tour front!

Earlier this month, my first interview with a fellow fantasy writer went live. Next month will showcase not one, but two interviews! One will be with a fantasy writer, the other will be with a science fiction writer. The latter will be the start of a twelve-month series of interviews …