Heather Hayden

Birthday Giveaway!

Update: The winners have been chosen! Congratulations to Elise Edmonds, Allie May, and JD Burton! Your signed paperbacks will be shipping soon.   I want to celebrate my birthday today with a paperback giveaway! From now until July 7th, you are welcome to participate in the raffle (yes, belated birthday …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 60: It’s a Wrap for June!

June has been a bit of a break month for me in terms of writing. I was busy prepping for Between Heroes and Villains‘s release on the 17th (get your copy here!) and then recovering from said prep–proofreading and formatting is exhausting! But totally worthwhile when you’re holding that finished …

Author Interview: Fanni Sütő

Today, I’m excited to welcome Fanni Sütő for an author interview! I know Fanni from Scribophile and Twitter–on the latter, she is currently hosting an awesome hashtag game called #junewipfolly. Lots of fun questions and prompts–definitely check it out if you’re in Twitter! Thanks for being here today, Fanni! Today’s …

Release Day: Between Heroes and Villains!

I’m so excited! Today is release day for Between Heroes and Villains: A Superpower Anthology! If you didn’t preorder a copy, you can grab one now for Kindle or in paperback.   What is the difference between a hero and a villain? A hero should always use their power for …

Author Interview: H. L. Burke — Stop #6 of the Coiled blog tour!

Welcome to the Coiled blog tour: a collection of posts celebrating the release of the new YA Mythological Romance from Uncommon Universes Press and author, H. L. Burke. Via the links below you will find interviews, informational and entertaining posts about the story behind the story, and of course, sneks. …

Cover Reveal: Between Heroes and Villains: A Superpower Anthology

It’s cover reveal time! Our amazing cover designer, Louis Rakovich of Indigo Forest Designs, has done another wonderful job. Here it is in all its gloriousness: What is the difference between a hero and a villain? A hero should always use their power for good: a detective devotes his life …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 59: I’m back! And with a big announcement!

Hi everyone! I’m feeling much better, though still taking it easy. There will not be a month map for June, but there IS a release on its way! My writer’s group, the Just-Us League, is releasing their second anthology on June 17th. This one is titled Between Heroes and Villains: …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 58: Update on May, or Why this blog will be silent for a while

A lot of things have happened these past two weeks–some good, some bad. The good: I have extra work this month that was unexpected but very welcome. Suffice to say, it’s doing what I want to be doing as my regular part-time job, and I hope it will lead to …

Cover Reveal: Coiled by H. L. Burke

Wow, May’s been a busy month already and it’s only the third! I’m super excited about today’s cover reveal. H. L. Burke is an awesome writer and this is her first traditionally published book. In short, it’s a YA mythological romance being released by Uncommon Universes Press. I’ll share the …