Tag: <span>goals</span>

Ensign’s Log, Entry 53: March Month Map, Week Three Update!

Here’s another Month Map update–this one’s actually on time, hurray! 🙂 Possibly even a little ahead of time, given that I still have half the day left and it’s only the 21st. But since I’ve been making good progress, what the hey! Let’s take a look at my map: Skin …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 52: March Month Map, Week Two Update!

I missed my week one update, but since most of what’s been done so far this month happened this past week, it’s not a big deal. However, now that we’re halfway through the month, it’s definitely time for an update! Here’s how I’m doing so far… Skin as White as …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 50: February Month Map – Final

Farewell, February, you were quite the productive month for me, despite being so short. I’ll be welcoming March in with a new month map sometime in the next few days, but today it’s time for a wrap-up of February’s month map. Let’s see how I did… I didn’t complete all …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 49: February Month Map Week 2.5 Update!

Yes, you didn’t read the title wrong… Because this post is late I’m calling it week 2.5 instead of week 2 (or week 3, which is still a few days from its end.) The good news is that I’ve made a LOT of progress since my last update! Upgrade: Only …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 48: February Month Map Week 1 Update!

It’s time for a (belated) update to my February Month Map! Things are going well so far this month!   Upgrade: When February started, I was almost done with Chapter 9. I’m now almost done with Chapter 13, and hoping to get through Chapter 15 today. Then only a few …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 47: February Month Map!

It’s time for the final reveal of my January Month Map, a brief discussion of how January went, and then… *drumroll* February’s shiny new Month Map! First off, January: Upgrade: I now have almost nine out of twenty chapter revised completely. If I manage one a day (starting today), I …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 46: January Month Map, Week Three Update

This is a few days late, but unsurprising given how busy I was last week with the Launch Party! I’m happy to report that I’m not longer sick and am also a lot less stressed now that the party is over. It was a lot of work, but also a …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 45: January Month Map, No Update This Week

Yes, that post title is correct, there’s no Month Map update this week. Though I did manage a few things earlier this week, the majority of it was spent fighting off, and eventually succumbing to, a cold. Or flu. Some sort of bug, anyway, that left me with very little …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 42: Goals for 2017

Any Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fans reading this? If so, take a moment to celebrate with me the wonderful coincidence that this post is my 42nd entry in my Ensign’s Log. *ahem* Now that I’ve paid homage to one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, the …